Currently, there are many studies produced by the ITK community that have commercialization potential. This is evidenced by the growth of patent registrations from research results and for some time participating in the design shop matching fund program. Therefore, it is necessary to train ITK Lecturers who have the risk of commercialization to maintain research consistency so that innovative products can be produced and get opportunities for wider marketing. So that the role of IBT ITK can be utilized to manage the results of commercialization of research from the ITK community. The purpose of the development of research activities with the potential for commercialization to become an innovative product, research lecturers at ITK gain insight into innovative management to produce products that are ready to be commercialized. In-depth researchers at ITK can understand the importance of finding innovative research, Provide insight into commercialization management for IBT ITK as an institution who will manage the commercialization of the innovative research results of the ITK community.
The workshop was carried out for 2 days, namely August 9 and 10 in the meeting room of LPPM ITK with 35 participants from the research team leader whose research was in the form of products that were ready for commercialization. The resource persons of this workshop are Prof. Nurul Taufiqurrahman from the National Innovation Research Agency (BRIN) who is also the President Director of PT. NanoTech Center. He develops research nanomaterials that are currently widely used by the public and other development companies. The second resource person is Dr. Anugerah Widyanto from the National Innovation Research Agency (BRIN) who is the Head of the BRIN Pusptek Business Incubator (BIT). researchers Prof. Nurul and Dr. Anugerah provides insight and motivation to ITK lecturers to always see opportunities for the wisdom of Kalimantan resources as the main raw material for innovation products and lecturer research at ITK.