Workshop on Comersialization of Inovative Product Research
Currently, there are many studies produced by the ITK community that have commercialization potential. This is evidenced by the growth of patent registrations from research results and for some time participating in the design shop matching fund program. Therefore, it is necessary to train ITK Lecturers who have the risk of commercialization to maintain research consistency so that innovative products can be produced and get opportunities for wider marketing. So that the role of IBT ITK can be utilized to manage the results of commercialization of research from the ITK community. The purpose of the development of research activities with the potential for commercialization to become an innovative product, research lecturers at ITK gain insight into innovative management to produce products that are ready to be commercialized. In-depth researchers at ITK can understand the importance of finding innovative research, Provide insight into commercialization management for IBT ITK as an institution who will manage the commercialization of the innovative research results of the ITK community. The workshop was carried out for 2 days, namely August 9 and 10 in the meeting room of LPPM ITK with 35 participants from the research team leader whose research was in the form of products that were ready for commercialization. The resource persons of this workshop are Prof. Nurul Taufiqurrahman from the National Innovation Research Agency (BRIN) who is also the President Director of PT. NanoTech Center. He develops research nanomaterials that are currently widely used by the public and other development companies. The second resource person is Dr. Anugerah Widyanto from the National Innovation Research Agency (BRIN) who is the Head of the BRIN Pusptek Business Incubator (BIT). researchers Prof. Nurul and Dr. Anugerah provides insight and motivation to ITK lecturers to always see opportunities for the wisdom of Kalimantan resources as the main raw material for innovation products and lecturer research at ITK.
Socialization On Indonesian Student Entrepreneurship Program
In 2022 the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology changes the competitive funding system for entrepreneurship and reasoning programs for university students. ITK, which has been actively sending entrepreneurial student groups and getting funding for the program, certainly has not ignored the latest guidelines. One of the efforts to keep entrepreneurship activities active in universities with competitive grants at the national level, the ITK entrepreneurship student team held a socialization event for the entrepreneurship program that was recently launched by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. The socialization activity was held in the February period on every weekend due to the Covid-19 conditions which required a limitation on the number of students in the class. This activity was attended by ITK students who plan to submit a 2022 entrepreneurship competitive grant proposal. Students were very enthusiastic during the socialization activity. The material was presented by Destyariani Liana Putri, MT. as coordinator. The material was obtained from the results of the socialization of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. The purpose of this socialization is to introduce a new program which is actually a system change from the old program. According to Putri as the speaker, she hopes that this activity will be able to improve the quality and quantity of entrepreneurial student groups at ITK.
ITK Startup Camp
ITK was finally able to carry out Startup Camp activities for 100 ITK students. For two days being trained by a mentor who is an expert in the startup field, the participants are challenged to be able to build a start-up company within 48 hours. Diniar Mungil Kurniawati as Head of the ITK Technology Business Incubator Center said that the target of the ITK startup camp activity is to get new startup seeds born from ITK that can dominate the market later. The output of this activity is the birth of a new startup that can be incubated by the ITK Technology Business Incubator. The activity was held for 2 days on 19 and 20 August 2022. During the 2 days of training, participants were given a strategy to build a startup with a strong foundation, firstly, participants were trained to have a team with an ideal composition such as hustler or marketing & business, hipster or design & user experience and hacker or engineer & developer. Startups that are formed are not only digital but also all forms of startups. Registration of participants is not focused on those who already have a team, but individuals who want to build a startup can also take part in this activity and match ideas with other individuals during the activity. On the second day, the entire team pitched to the jury so that the jury could determine the startup's current position. The winning startups that can be applied will then be further fostered by the ITK business incubator by conducting pre-incubation. Meanwhile, startups that still need idea validation and market penetration power will be guided by a student entrepreneurship team in order to participate in entrepreneurial competitions from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology or other institutions.
Entrepreneurship Companion Certification Program
The entrepreneurial activities of ITK students have grown very rapidly in the last 2 years. Many students are starting to enroll in entrepreneurship competitions and grants, either organized by ITK or from external institutions. Seeing this, the Business Technology and Student Affairs Incubator in the field of Entrepreneurship recruited lecturers to become assistants for entrepreneurship students who would later become mentors for entrepreneurial groups at ITK. In order for the quality of mentoring to be good, lecturers who pass the selection of entrepreneurial assistants for ITK students are given the opportunity to take part in training and certification of entrepreneurship companions certified by the Indonesian National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP). The ITK team cooperates with PT. Coach Faried Colleague as a trainer in the certification. Entrepreneurship companion training and certification will be held online from 8-10 April 2022. A total of 7 ITK lecturers participated in this training and certification of entrepreneurship companions. The training activity which was carried out for 3 days assigned lecturer participants to provide assistance or coaching to existing student groups. From this training program, ITK really provides opportunities for lecturers who have a passion in entrepreneurship to play a role as a good entrepreneurship companion for students and their contribution can improve the quality of entrepreneurship at ITK.
Entrepreneurial Student Skills Training
Entrepreneurial Student Skills Training or Latihan Keterampilan Mahasiswa Wirausaha (LKMW) was held by the Division of Entrepreneurship of Students Organization in Kalimantan Institute of Technology (KM ITK). LKMW aims to provide motivation and foster an entrepreneurial spirit for ITK students. Thus, it is expected that in the future ITK alumni will be able to contribute to open jobs through businesses run. The event, which was held online through zoom platform, was attended by more than 200 ITK students.This training was held for 2 days on April 14 and 23, 2022. The LKMW materials consist of three sessions, namely: Exploring business ideas and creative thinking; motivation and mindset of entrepreneurs; and BMC (Business Model Canvas). This materials were delivered by ITK students and alumni who have experiences in the field of entrepreneurship. This is so that participants can listen directly to the experience of their seniors in pioneering and growing their business. So that it can be more motivating and give a real description of the challenges and opportunities that will be faced by business students. In this activity, participants seemed enthusiastic to participate in a series of activities. As the output of this activity, participants conducted a simulation on the last day of training on April 2022. During the simulation session participants were asked to present business ideas in the form of Bussiness Model Canvas (BMC). This LKMW event is the early stage of ITK's entrepreneurial curriculum. Where next, students will be equipped with a variety of entrepreneurial skills gradually. Thus, when graduating from ITK, students are really ready to compete in the business world in Indonesia.
Sociopreneur Webinar - Creating Impactful Social Enterprises in the Modern Era
Kalimantan Institute of Technology held a Social Entrepreneurship Webinar with the theme “Creating Impactful Social Enterprises in the Modern Era”. This social entrepreneurship webinar activity was held online through the Zoom Meeting Platform and Youtube Live Streaming, by inviting two resource persons who were experts in their fields, namely Mrs. Zulfa Raudatul Jannah, S.Gz. as Research Project Officer of The Local Enablers and Mr. Goris Mustaqim, S.T. as Founder of Semut Nusantara Consulting and Mrs. Marita Wulandari, S. T., M.T. as a lecturer in Environmental Engineering at the Kalimantan Institute of Technology who in this activity is also the moderator of this webinar. The social entrepreneurship webinar was also attended by Mr. Ainun Zulfikar, S.T., M.T. as Chairman of the Student and Alumni Guidance Team as well as lecturers from inside and outside the Kalimantan Institute of Technology. This Social Entrepreneurship Webinar activity began at 09.00 WITA by MC Febi Ayu Caroline Pitaloka, a 2019 Kalimantan Institute of Technology Urban and Regional Planning student who will guide the webinar from start to finish. The remarks in this activity were delivered directly by Mr. Ainun Zulfikar, S.T., M.T. as Chairman of the Student Development Team and remarks delivered by Muhammad Maulana Zarkasyi as minister of creative economy in the Harmoni Change Cabinet. As for the next event which is the core of this social entrepreneurship webinar activity, namely the presentation of material from two resource persons, in which the first material will be delivered by Ms. Zulfa Raudatul Jannah, S.Gz. as Research Project Officer of The Local Enablers and continued with the second material by Mr. Goris Mustaqim, S.T. as Founder of Semut Nusantara Consulting who will be guided directly by the moderator of the activity, namely Mrs. Marita Wulandari, S. T., M.T. It started by introducing the biodata of the two presenters. In the first material, Mrs. Zulfa Raudatul Jannah, S.Gz. deliver material by brainstorming with webinar participants by asking what distinguishes social enterprises from businesses in general. After exchanging ideas with the participants, Ms. Zulfa Raudatul Jannah, S.Gz. continued his presentation, where according to him the difference between social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship in general is in the location of the profit and the intended strategy, for entrepreneurs in general/commercial to have superior commercial strategies in certain fields. Meanwhile, for social entrepreneurs to focus on the beneficiaries, the profits will return to the beneficiaries to develop the business they are running. The important ways of thinking to be applied by social entrepreneurs are Divergent Thinking, Lateral Thinking, Aesthetic Thinking, System Thinking, and Design Thinking. After the presentation of the first material was completed, it was given by Mrs. Zulfa Raudatul Jannah, S.Gz. followed by the second presentation delivered by Mr. Goris Mustaqim, S.T. as Founder of Semut Nusantara Consulting, where he shared many of his experiences in the world of social entrepreneurship with the participants. At the beginning of his presentation he told how he started to form Semut Nusantara, where Semut Nusantara is engaged in community-based companions spread across 18 provinces in Indonesia. He also gave examples of community-based assistance assisted by Semut Nusantara, such as the best tourism village in ASEAN (Best ASEAN's CBT 2018) and the inka mina projomino fishing cooperative, which became the best cooperative according to the KKP in 2019.