Basic Entrepreneurial Student Skills Training

Basic Entrepreneurial Student Skills Training or Latihan Keterampilan Mahasiswa Wirausaha Tingkat Dasar (LKMW TD) was held by the Division of Entrepreneurship of Students Organization in Kalimantan Institute of Technology (KM ITK). LKMW aims to provide motivation and foster an entrepreneurial spirit for ITK students. Thus, it is expected that in the future ITK alumni will be able to contribute to open jobs through businesses run. The event, which was held online through zoom platform, was attended by more than 500 ITK students.This training was held for three days, namely on May 3 and 9, 2021. The event opened with a speech from ITK entrepreneurship coach, Marita Wulandari S.T., M.T. followed by a speech from the chairman of KM ITK and Chief of Entrepreneurship KM ITK.

The LKMW materials consist of three sessions, namely: Exploring business ideas and creative thinking; motivation and mindset of entrepreneurs; and BMC (Business Model Canvas). This materials were delivered by trainer who have experiences in the field of entrepreneurship. This is so that participants can listen directly to the experience of their seniors in pioneering and growing their business. So that it can be more motivating and give a real description of the challenges and opportunities that will be faced by business students. In this activity, participants seemed enthusiastic to participate in a series of activities. As the output of this activity, participants conducted a simulation on the last day of training on May 31. During the simulation session participants were asked to present business ideas in the form of Bussiness Model Canvas (BMC).

This LKMW event is the early stage of ITK's entrepreneurial curriculum. Where next, students will be equipped with a variety of entrepreneurial skills gradually. Thus, when graduating from ITK, students are really ready to compete in the business world in Indonesia.