Sociopreneur Webinar - Creating Impactful Social Enterprises in the Modern Era

Kalimantan Institute of Technology held a Social Entrepreneurship Webinar with the theme “Creating Impactful Social Enterprises in the Modern Era”. This social entrepreneurship webinar activity was held online through the Zoom Meeting Platform and Youtube Live Streaming, by inviting two resource persons who were experts in their fields, namely Mrs. Zulfa Raudatul Jannah, S.Gz. as Research Project Officer of The Local Enablers and Mr. Goris Mustaqim, S.T. as Founder of Semut Nusantara Consulting and Mrs. Marita Wulandari, S. T., M.T. as a lecturer in Environmental Engineering at the Kalimantan Institute of Technology who in this activity is also the moderator of this webinar. The social entrepreneurship webinar was also attended by Mr. Ainun Zulfikar, S.T., M.T. as Chairman of the Student and Alumni Guidance Team as well as lecturers from inside and outside the Kalimantan Institute of Technology.

This Social Entrepreneurship Webinar activity began at 09.00 WITA by MC Febi Ayu Caroline Pitaloka, a 2019 Kalimantan Institute of Technology Urban and Regional Planning student who will guide the webinar from start to finish. The remarks in this activity were delivered directly by Mr. Ainun Zulfikar, S.T., M.T. as Chairman of the Student Development Team and remarks delivered by Muhammad Maulana Zarkasyi as minister of creative economy in the Harmoni Change Cabinet. As for the next event which is the core of this social entrepreneurship webinar activity, namely the presentation of material from two resource persons, in which the first material will be delivered by Ms. Zulfa Raudatul Jannah, S.Gz. as Research Project Officer of The Local Enablers and continued with the second material by Mr. Goris Mustaqim, S.T. as Founder of Semut Nusantara Consulting who will be guided directly by the moderator of the activity, namely Mrs. Marita Wulandari, S. T., M.T. It started by introducing the biodata of the two presenters. In the first material, Mrs. Zulfa Raudatul Jannah, S.Gz. deliver material by brainstorming with webinar participants by asking what distinguishes social enterprises from businesses in general. After exchanging ideas with the participants, Ms. Zulfa Raudatul Jannah, S.Gz. continued his presentation, where according to him the difference between social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship in general is in the location of the profit and the intended strategy, for entrepreneurs in general/commercial to have superior commercial strategies in certain fields. Meanwhile, for social entrepreneurs to focus on the beneficiaries, the profits will return to the beneficiaries to develop the business they are running. The important ways of thinking to be applied by social entrepreneurs are Divergent Thinking, Lateral Thinking, Aesthetic Thinking, System Thinking, and Design Thinking. After the presentation of the first material was completed, it was given by Mrs. Zulfa Raudatul Jannah, S.Gz. followed by the second presentation delivered by Mr. Goris Mustaqim, S.T. as Founder of Semut Nusantara Consulting, where he shared many of his experiences in the world of social entrepreneurship with the participants. At the beginning of his presentation he told how he started to form Semut Nusantara, where Semut Nusantara is engaged in community-based companions spread across 18 provinces in Indonesia. He also gave examples of community-based assistance assisted by Semut Nusantara, such as the best tourism village in ASEAN (Best ASEAN's CBT 2018) and the inka mina projomino fishing cooperative, which became the best cooperative according to the KKP in 2019.