Open Course Digital Startup
As an effort to develop an entrepreneurial ecosystem at the Kalimantan Institute of Technology (ITK), the ITK Technology Business Incubator and the Student Entrepreneurship Development Team collaborate with the Digital Innovation Lounge Balikpapan and the Indonesia Digital Creative Industry Society (MIKTI) created an open course called Startup Digital. In this open course, students are taught about the concept of a digital startup and the tricks to successfully set up a digital startup. Learning is carried out for 2 months starting from August to September 2021. By cooperating with professional teaching staff, it is hoped that students who take these courses can receive broad knowledge and are increasingly motivated to see the potential of both natural resources and human resources through technology into a business opportunity. In the digital Startup class, not only students from ITK can take it but can also come from all universities that register for the Micro-credential program at the Indonesian Ministry of Education. The form of learning activities is the material and practice of making digital startup prototypes. For the first session of this semester, 40 students from various universities in Indonesia participated. Digital startup prototype based on current problems.
Enterpreneurship Webinar ITK-LPDP Scholarship
Kalimantan Institute of Technology held an Entrepreneurship Webinar with the theme "Indonesian Entrepreneurial Factory: The Role of Higher Education and LPDP". The webinar activity with the theme "Indonesian Entrepreneur Factory: The Role of Higher Education and LPDP" was held online through Video Conference Zoom Meeting and Live Streaming Youtube media. This webinar invited Mr. Ir. Dwi Larso, M.SIE., Ph.D. as the Director of the LPDP Scholarship, then also attended by Mr. Eka Krisna Santoso, S.Si., MBA as a lecturer in Actuarial Science at the Kalimantan Institute of Technology as well as a moderator at this Webinar. Not only that, this Webinar was also attended by Prof. Ir. Budi Santosa Purwokartiko, Ph.D as Chancellor of the Kalimantan Institute of Technology and Mr. Ainun Zulfikar, S.T., M.T. as Chairman of the Student and Alumni Guidance Team as well as lecturers from inside and outside the Kalimantan Institute of Technology. Mr. Ir. Dwi Larso, M.SIE., Ph.D. said that in defining entrepreneurship, you can go through 3 main points, the first point of entrepreneurship is opportunity, everyone has the opportunity and the opportunity is always there, if there is no opportunity, everyone is creative enough to create new opportunities that can be exploited. The second point is real, he said that from that opportunity we must make it a real action, and not just a mere word. The third point is added value, so that what we do is expected to provide benefits for many people. Entrepreneurship is the ability to understand the market, where the market contains customers. So as an entrepreneur we must maintain good relations with customers and understand what the customer wants and understand where the customer shift is going. Business is not only born, but also developed to create sustainability.
Business Plan Workshop
The ITK Technology Business Incubator (IBT ITK) held a business plan preparation workshop as a continuation of the Business Model Canvas (BMC) preparation program. The business plan is an important document in explaining the BMC, so the target of this workshop program is the same as the target of the previous BMC workshop program. Mr. Indra Purnama was again appointed as a speaker and trainer in the Business Plan preparation workshop. Workshop participants are taught how to prepare a business plan from each component of the business plan. In this workshop, participants are expected to be able to compile a complete business plan document and get the opportunity to present it to potential investors.
Basic Entrepreneurial Student Skills Training
Basic Entrepreneurial Student Skills Training or Latihan Keterampilan Mahasiswa Wirausaha Tingkat Dasar (LKMW TD) was held by the Division of Entrepreneurship of Students Organization in Kalimantan Institute of Technology (KM ITK). LKMW aims to provide motivation and foster an entrepreneurial spirit for ITK students. Thus, it is expected that in the future ITK alumni will be able to contribute to open jobs through businesses run. The event, which was held online through zoom platform, was attended by more than 500 ITK students.This training was held for three days, namely on May 3 and 9, 2021. The event opened with a speech from ITK entrepreneurship coach, Marita Wulandari S.T., M.T. followed by a speech from the chairman of KM ITK and Chief of Entrepreneurship KM ITK. The LKMW materials consist of three sessions, namely: Exploring business ideas and creative thinking; motivation and mindset of entrepreneurs; and BMC (Business Model Canvas). This materials were delivered by trainer who have experiences in the field of entrepreneurship. This is so that participants can listen directly to the experience of their seniors in pioneering and growing their business. So that it can be more motivating and give a real description of the challenges and opportunities that will be faced by business students. In this activity, participants seemed enthusiastic to participate in a series of activities. As the output of this activity, participants conducted a simulation on the last day of training on May 31. During the simulation session participants were asked to present business ideas in the form of Bussiness Model Canvas (BMC). This LKMW event is the early stage of ITK's entrepreneurial curriculum. Where next, students will be equipped with a variety of entrepreneurial skills gradually. Thus, when graduating from ITK, students are really ready to compete in the business world in Indonesia.
Business Model Canvas Workshop
The ITK Technology Business Incubator (IBT ITK) held a canvas business modeling (BMC) workshop on March 9, 2021. The target of the program is for all students, business people, lecturers and entrepreneurial companions in universities throughout Indonesia and MSMEs. The trainer for the preparation of the Business Model Canvas is Mr. Indra Purnama as a business practitioner, angel investor from angel.ID and the management of the Indonesia Digital Creative Industry Society (MIKTI). With this program, it is hoped that all participants will be able to compile a business model canvas and evaluate the business model that has been made previously. The business model is the most important document to run a business, especially to get investors. In addition it can be used for market evaluation. IBT ITK held this workshop with the hope of producing young entrepreneurs from students and teaching MSMEs, lecturers and entrepreneurship assistants to understand the important functions of preparing a business model canvas (BMC)
Dukung Bisnis Mahasiswa, ITK Beri Bantuan Modal
Dalam rangka mendukung kegiatan bisnis mahasiswa, Institut Teknologi Kalimantan (ITK) menggelar program Hibah Kewirausahaan untuk memberikan bantuan modal pada bisnis rintisan mahasiswa. Kegiatan ini dimulai dengan penerimaan proposal bisnis yang diikuti oleh 20 tim mahasiswa. Proposal ini kemudian direview dan diseleksi oleh tim reviewer yang terdiri atas pembina kewirausaaan dari Pusat Kemaahasiswaan dan Alumni (PKA), tim Inkubator Bisnis Teknologi (IBT) ITK, dan ketua koperasi ITK. Dari hasil seleksi, terpilih 10 proposal yang mendapat bantuan modal sebesar masing-masing Rp 2.000.000,- Disamping pemberian bantuan modal, juga dilakukan pendampingan dalam bentuk monitoring dan evaluasi (Monev) untuk memastikan bisnis mahasiswa berjalan sekaligus mendiskusikan masalah yang dihadapi. Monev pertama dilaksanakan pada hari Minggu, 29 November 2020. Selain tim pelaku bisnis, acara ini juga dihadiri oleh dosen pembimbing dan tim reviewer. Pada kesempatan ini, setiap tim mempresentasikan progres bisnis masing-masing dan rencana yang akan dilakukan selanjutnya. Monev direncanakan akan dlaksanakan secara kontinu selama dua bulan, yaitu November dan Desember, dilanjutkan dengan pendampingan non formal selama bisnis berjalan. Melalui program ini diharapkan bisnis mahasiswa dapat berkembang dengan baik sehingga dapat ikut serta dalam berbagai kompetisi kewirausahaan di tingkat nasional, seperti KBMI, KIBM, dan ASMI. Kompetisi-kompetisi tersebut mensyaratkan bisnsi harus sudah berjalan minimal enam bulan. Karena itu, program Hibah Kewirausahaan ITK ini diharapkan dapat mencetak bibit-bibit pengusaha muda yang akan mewakii ITK tahun 2021.